Changelog (Archived)


October 8 2020

ArcGIS Add-In v1.3

Bug fix: ArcGIS Pro 2.6 introduced a new autosave project functionality. This upgrade was causing frequent pop-up messages from the Planet ArcGIS Add-In alerting users that their API key may be embedded in their project if they are using a Planet tile streaming service. Planet has decoupled these pop-up warnings from the autosave function in ArcGIS Pro with the Planet ArcGIS Add-In v1.3 patch. The warning has been re-associated with ArcGIS Pro “Share” capabilities like Share Project and Share Web Map. Additionally, users now have the option to disable the warning message for their project by selecting “Don’t show again for this project. Users can download the latest version here.

October 6, 2020

New Tasking Functionality

  • Order Lock-In

    Our SkySat Assured Tasking customers will now be able to see upcoming collection opportunities for each of their targets, and lock-in the specific access windows they would like captured. This allows customers full control of their daily collection plan, with visibility into full constellation daily access, with precisely forecasted collection opportunities. We call this capability Order Lock-In.

  • Email Notifications & Order History

    Email Notifications and Order History are part of the notification and status reporting system that provides an extensive support to monitor and operate orders within the Tasking API and Dashboard. Our users will receive a certain set of emails triggered by order and capture activities including an interface to opt in / out and customise notifications as needed. The Tasking Dashboard will be extended with a historical view on order level where we'll populate the same set of order and capture activities that brings a better visibility about order progress.

October 5, 2020

Subscriptions API is Planet's new data delivery API which allows you to subscribe to continuous cloud delivery of the imagery and metadata you care about with a single API call. The best of Planet search, processing, and delivery, the Subscription's API's set-it-and-forget-it ordering capability will automatically push imagery to you as soon as it becomes available.

September 30, 2020

Analytics Feed Viewer

New functionality in the Feed Viewer is now live! Updates include:

  • Heatmaps
  • A compare view to see change over time
  • Ability to see multiple time period's worth of detections at once
  • Updated metadata view

Summary Statistics

Summary Statistics are now live! Existing Ships, Planes, Silo Bags and Well Pad feeds can be queried for Summary Stats to easily get counts of detections over time. Users can also query road and building detection feeds to track the square meters covered by each class over time.

September 30, 2020

Planet Explorer updates:


  • You can now access our Tasking Dashboard to task a high resolution image, directly from Explorer.
  • Hosted Data folders can now be renamed.

Improvements 🙌🏻

  • You can now use MGRS coordinates with higher precision (10m, 1m) and it will be converted to a Lat/Lon coordinate.

Bug Fixes 🐛

  • Fixed an issue where the number fields for the area coverage filter would get stuck on certain values.