Field Boundaries

last updated: February 14, 2025

Field Boundaries is an enabling Planetary Variable that provides critical infrastructure required to answer many of the larger scale questions about agriculture production. Field delineation is the process of automatically tracing the boundaries of agricultural parcels from satellite or aerial imagery. An agricultural parcel is a spatially homogeneous land unit used for agricultural purposes, where a single crop is grown. The result of field delineation is field boundaries, a set of closed vector polygons marking the extent of each agricultural parcel. Such polygons are the input to a multitude of applications, ranging from the management of agricultural resources, such as Area Monitoring, precision farming, to the estimation of damages to crop yield due to natural (e.g. drought, floods), and human-made disasters (e.g. war). Automatic estimation of parcels with high fidelity in a timely manner allows to characterize changes of agricultural landscapes due to agricultural practices and climate change consequences.

Figure 1: Example of field boundaries in Australia.


Check out the technical specification for more detailed information.

Use Cases

Use-cases include:

  • Yield estimation
  • Agricultural Monitoring & Food Security
  • Commodity Trading
  • Sustainable Agriculture Monitoring (including CAP and EUDR)
  • Supply Chain Monitoring
  • Benchmarking
  • Product Supply Forecasting
  • Biofuels
  • Environmental Impact Assessment
  • Proof of Permit & Regulatory Compliance
  • Risk Assessment
  • Agricultural Insurance (underwriting, pricing, claims validation)
  • E&R (Scientific publications and research grants)
  • Field Isolation

Basic Specifications

Source id FIELD_BOUNDARIES_v1.0.0_S2_P1M
Input data source Sentinel-2
Input data time interval Output based on 1 month of data
Area of available coverage Global
Temporal coverage 2018 - onwards

Data Access

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