Reports Overview

last updated: February 14, 2025

The Reports API allows Organization Administrators to download usage reports systematically for internal processing and analysis. Reports downloaded from the API are the exact same reports available from the user interface accessible from your Account at

Usage Reports Overview

Planet’s usage system generates reports every day; each report covers the activity for the previous 24 hours. Each day at GMT 23:59:59 Planet’s system starts generating the daily report. When reports are completed for all customers they are made accessible via both your Account and the Reports API at the same time. Reports are generated according to the assigned quota style. Each PlanetScope plan has an assigned quota style: Starter, Preferred, Premium, or Area Under Management. Please note: no quota style selection is required in the API. If you have questions please reach out to your Customer Success Manager or

PlanetScope usage reports have two different formats:

  1. Standard usage reports sum all of the usage charged to the plan by date, item (for example: PSScene, SkySatCollect), and by user (who downloaded the image).
  2. Detailed usage reports list out every image and all metadata (e.g. xml files) downloaded.

Key Feature: List Usage Reports

The Reports API allows customers and partners to systematically list all of the reports that are available for each plan. Planetscope reports are available in Usage Report and Detailed Usage report versions. Usage reports are produced for each day covering 00:00:00 to 23:59:59 GMT.

Key Feature: Download Usage Reports

The Reports API also allows customers and partners to download the selected usage reports for a plan. You must be an Organization Administrator to list and download usage reports for a plan.

Key Feature: Download Usage Reports for Sub-Orgs

The Reports API allows administrators to download usage reports for their organizations. You can select between a detailed report or a summary. The API returns a link for downloading the usage report for the time (within the last 90 days) you’ve specified.

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