Features Manager Overview

last updated: October 24, 2024


Planet Features Manager is a set of UI-tools that help you upload, save, and manage their areas of interest (AOIs) or “Features” for use on the Planet Insights Platform.

Saving an AOI to the Planet Insights platform is a great way to improve the efficiency and reliability of data discovery and delivery workflows. You can save your AOIs once and reference them, as needed, across the platform. For more information about how to manage AOIs using an API, see the Features API documentation.

The Features Manager will also enable you to understand and manage your quotas using the AOIs you save for supported data products like Planetary Variables.

Key Concepts

  • Feature: A “thing” with a spatial location and geometry. In the API, the GeoJSON definition of a Feature is used. For example, a Feature could be a farm field in South Africa.
  • Feature Collection: A set of Features.
  • Feature Reference: A reference (URL, ID) to a specific Feature.
  • Reserve Quota (Planetary Variables only): The process of enabling access to Planetary Variables in AOIs. Required step to create subscriptions for Planetary Variable data.

Functionality Overview

  1. How to upload, save, and simplify Feature geometries
  2. How to manage Features & Collections
  3. How to preview quota and enable access to PVs in your AOIs (PV customers only)


  • Only Polygon and MultiPolygon Feature types are supported
  • Users can upload up to 1 million Features across 1K Feature Collections
  • The Features Manager upload modal can only process 5k Features at a time

Features Manager Overview

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