How to Manage Features and Collections

last updated: October 24, 2024

Open and Close the Collections Panel

Once your Features are saved to a Feature Collection, you can find them in the Collections panel. To collapse the collections panel, click the blue polygon in the sidebar. Click it again to reopen the panel. This functionality can help increase the map view.

Open and Close

View Features and Collections

To view features within a collection, click the ‘Open’ button on the collection card. To return to the collection view, click Collections from the breadcrumb menu above the search bar.

View Features and Collections

Filter Collections

To filter your collections, search for a collection title in the panel by clicking on the search icon. This is different from the map search, which zooms to a specified location. Add filters at the collection level by clicking Filters. Features Manager currently supports two permission filters: Created by me and Shared with organization.

  • Created by me will restrict your collections panel to only Feature Collections that you own.
  • Shared with organization displays Feature Collections that are shared with your organization, meaning anyone in your organization can find that collection.

How to Search Collections View List of Collections How to Filter

Zoom and Visibility

To zoom to a collection, click the [o] icon. By default, collection visibility is off at the collections-panel level, you can toggle on collection visibility using the eye icon. If you open a collection visibility will be toggled on automatically.

Once a collection is open you can zoom to individual features in the collection using the [o] icon.

Zoom and Visibility

Deleting a Collection and Features

Click the open collection button to view the features within a collection. Here, you can view details and delete features. Features Manager allows deletion of collections and features through the three-dot more menu or Selection Details, which can be found by clicking View details.


Deleting a collection also deletes all of its features.

How to Delete


If quota is in use for a Feature (only applicable to Planetary Variable customers), the Feature and Feature Collection cannot be deleted.

Sharing a Collection

To share a collection with your organization, click the three-dot more menu on the collection and select Manage sharing. Once shared, the collection is viewable and accessible to your organization.

You might want to share a collection with your organization so that other users in your organization can find the Features and use them as references. For example, when creating Subscriptions or Order requests for data.

How to Share

To share a link to your Feature Collection, click the three-dot more menu on the collection and select copy link. This generates a unique URL to your collection. You can share this URL with someone else in your organization or to your Planet support manager to help troubleshoot any issues.


In order for others to access a link to your Feature Collection, you must share the Collection with your organization first. See the section “Sharing a Collection” above for more details.

How to Share Collection Link

Collection Tags

Some collections have tags indicating their attributes. For example, the owner tag shows that you own the collection and may have more management abilities. A shared tag appears once you share a collection or have it shared with you. An orange alert tag indicates a collection has no features and needs features added to be usable.

In the example below, tags indicate that the user is the owner of the Feature Collection “California, USA”, it is shared with the user’s organization, and a warning tag that the Feature Collection has no Features in it.

Shared Collection Tag

Copying Reference IDs

You can copy a feature reference in two ways. - Open the collection and click the three-dot more menu next to a Feature, then select Copy feature reference. - Select View details, then click copy next to the feature reference.

Feature references can be used when making requests to Planet APIs like the Data, Orders, and Subscriptions APIs. For more information, see the API docs on feature references.

To find a collection ID, open the collection and copy the ID from the URL, which appears as collection=<id>.


You can load a specific collection by pasting the ID into the URL.

Copy Collection ID

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