
last updated: April 26, 2024

Beta API

The Planet Features API is currently in Public Beta and future releases may not be backwards compatible. Following the General Availability (GA) release of the API, Planet provides support for six months.

Have feedback? Please let us know using the Planet Features API Beta Feedback form.

Planet Features API offers Planet customers the ability to upload and save their Areas of Interest (AOIs) as features on the Planet platform and reference those features when making requests for data through Planet’s Orders, Subscriptions, and Data APIs. Once a Feature is saved, it can be accessed as an OGC-compliant Features API.

The Features API is a great way to improve the efficiency of your data delivery workflows by enabling you to store your AOIs once and reference them, as needed, across the platform.

The Features API is available at the Features API Dataset Root.

Key Concepts

  • Feature: A “thing” with a spatial location and geometry. In the API, the GeoJSON definition of a Feature is used. For example, a Feature could be a farm field polygon in South Africa.

  • Feature Collection: A set of Features.

  • Feature Reference: A reference (URL, ID) to a specific Feature.

Learning Resources

For information on working with Planet APIs, see Get Started with Planet APIs.