Changelog (Archived)


July 12, 2021

The 2.1 patch makes a number of quality improvements incl bug fixes and standardizing experiences between Planet's QGIS Plugin and Explorer apps, it also significantly revamps the download/order checkout process.

In 2.1 Users can find:

  • Full support for imagery assets across all Planet item types such as rectified and un-rectified assets
  • Consistent download experience between Planet Explorer and the ArcGIS Add-In
  • An improved imagery checkout process with clearer documentation for imagery assets
  • Support for arbitrary geometry clipping and multi-polygon clipping

July 08 2021

New angle fields on order entry

July 05 2021

Cloud forecast for assured order

Cloud forecast in order detail view of assured order

July 01, 2021

We are no longer supporting Internet Explorer 11. User's will see a notification to this effect if they load the app in that browser with directions to use another browser.

Improvements 🙌🏻

It is now possible to enter your filters and date range before executing a search. We've also made it so that you don't lose those filters after clearing a drawn AOI.

Bug Fixes 🐛

Fixed an issue where using the Enter Key to execute a search via the search bar did not work.

June 23 2021

Email preferences moved to the side drawer