Changelog (Archived)


February 3, 2022

Improvements 🙌🏻

The Orders API Band Math tool now supports 15 bands.

Planet has expanded Orders API Band Math tool to support up to 15 band calculations for users who want all original bands, plus additional calculations applied to their delivered asset.

Read updates to the Orders Band Math tool.

January 20, 2022

New ✨

Planet now supports delivery to Oracle Cloud Storage. You can now use the Orders and Subscriptions API to order assets into Oracle Cloud Storage buckets. You provide your Oracle Cloud Storage information (credentials and storage-specific values), and we deliver your order to that bucket.

Read details for receiving orders into your Oracle Cloud Storage.

Read details for subscribing to continuous delivery into your Oracle Cloud Storage.

January 7, 2022

Bug Fix 🐛

In a few cases, selecting some interactive elements stalled content refreshing. Now, selecting an interactive element does not prevent content from loading.

December 10, 2021

New ✨

  • You can now use the Color Enhancement tool with SkySat images delivered to your Hosted Data folders.

November 22, 2021

AUM customers can now order archive imagery with the Subscriptions API. With the backfill subscriptions capability, you can now create a subscription with a start time (and end time) in the past. More details on Backfill subscriptions are available here: