Changelog (Archived)


May 22, 2021

Released a 2.0.1 patch for the Planet QGIS Plugin, which fixes the timestamp users were seeing in their imagery search results to make sure dates reflect the acquired date, not the published date.

May 20, 2021

New ✨

Planet is making changes to the trial, moving away from 14-day trial to a usage based trial. To learn more go to On July 1, 2021 we will stop supporting Internet Explorer. If you use this browser you will see a notification when you first load Explorer.

Improvements 🙌🏻

New API Dialog when clicking the API {:} button. Same content, same ability to copy your API Key, cURL Request, and Selected Item Ids.

May 06, 2021

Some filters now support to search for NOT - so that you can negate the query.

May 04, 2021

Add Active tasks predefined segment - it will show all orders that are currently active (not in a final state)

April 29, 2021

Updating the url format -

Instead of the old format:


We now use:
