Changelog (Archived)


September 10, 2020

Planet Explorer updates:


  • The Imagery Type filter is now grouped by resolution. The group checkboxes can be used to select/deselect all

  • MGRS support when searching. Users can now use the Military Grid Reference System with 10km, 1km, and 100m precisions.

Improvements 🙌🏻

  • The instrument filter is no longer applied by default, to avoid excluding items without instrument in the metadata.

Bug Fixes 🐛

  • Fixed an issue when following a deep link and the user was not logged in, the search would not load properly.

September 1, 2020

The SkySat cloud_cover field is now computed as the sum of cloud_percent and heavy_haze_percent so all cloud values are consistent. Note that cloud_cover is still in the range 0-1 (a ratio), while cloud_percent and heavy_haze_percent are percentages in the range 0 to 100. The properties of the archive have not been changed at this time, but may be changed in the future to also reflect this change.

August 28, 2020

New & Updated Tasking Dashboard features

  • Extended the timeout for stuck queued captures from 15h to 30h after which the capture gets FAILED and the order continues re-tasking or expires.
  • Order details are grouped in a more constructive way in Order Details View.
  • Requested area in sqkm is exposed on order level.

August 21, 2020

Bugs fixed related to order and captures states:

  • captures being stuck in PROCESSING,
  • orders being stuck in IN_PROGRESS,
  • orders moving to IN_PROGRESS after being EXPIRED,
  • Stereo Orders being stuck in REQUESTED and expecting for more captures after already having relevant successful captures published

August 19, 2020

Coregistration is a new Orders API tool available in Beta to Preferred and Premium raster tool customers. This tool allows you to coregister a set of target items to a single anchor item within your order, making it easier to perform time series analysis of deep temporal imagery stacks. More information on this tool is available here: