Changelog (Archived)


July 29, 2020

Planet Explorer:

New ✨

You can now analyze imagery (scenes) by ordering them to a hosted folder. This feature is still in β€œBeta” and you can try it out by enabling it in the Labs.

Improvements πŸ™ŒπŸ»

  • Timeline dropdowns

  • Measure tooltips

Bug Fixes πŸ›

  • Weekly Basemaps labels

  • Collection of bug fixes when switching between Enhancement Imagery, NDVI, and browsing.

July 20 2020

Question icon for GeoJSON informs the user about current capabilities of the chosen product:

July 17 2020

ArcGIS Add-In V1.2

New ✨

  • Users can now select and download their entire basemap (they're no longer limited at 50 basemap quads)
  • The "Create mosaic dataset" post basemap download is now an optional setting when selecting your basemap quads

Bug Fixes πŸ›

  • The basemap downloader tool now uses the default folder browser to prevent remove permissions errors when creating the mosaic dataset
  • Extracting downloads from your orders panel no longer fails when un-zipping

July 15, 2020

Planet Explorer updates:

Bug Fixes πŸ›

  • Open water searches now show results as expected

July 14, 2020

Orders API supports a new "file_format" tool, which allows customers to convert their geoTIFFs to COGs (cloud-optimized geoTIFFs) and NITF 2.1 format to support more efficient workflows on the web. More information on this tool is available here: