The SkySat ortho scene product is orthorectified and designed for a wide variety of applications that require imagery with an accurate geolocation and cartographic projection. It has been processed to remove distortions caused by terrain and can be used for cartographic purposes.
Products Overview¶
The SkySat Ortho Scene product includes Visual, Analytic, Panchromatic, and Pansharpened Multispectral imagery that is uncalibrated and in a raw digital number format. The Ortho Scene product is sensor and geometrically corrected, and is projected to a cartographic map projection. The geometric correction uses fine Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) with a post spacing of between 30 and 90 meters. Ground Control Points (GCPs) are used in the creation of every image and the accuracy of the product will vary from region to region based on available GCPs.
Due to size constraints and reprojections issues, SkySat Collect does not support clipping.
Item Properties¶
Property Name | Description | Type |
_permissions | Assets available for the item which the authenticated user has permission to download. | array |
geometry | Geographic boundary of the item's footprint, formatted as a GeoJSON polygon. | json |
id | Globally unique item identifier. | string |
acquired | Timestamp that the item was captured. | datetime |
camera_id | Camera used for imaging. | string |
clear_confidence_percent | percentage value: per-pixel algorithmic confidence in 'clear' classification | int [0-100] |
clear_percent | Percent of clear values in dataset. Clear values represents scene content areas (non-blackfilled) that are deemed to be not impacted by cloud, haze, shadow and/or snow. | int [0-100] |
cloud_cover | Average percentage of cloud coverage. | double |
cloud_percent | Percent of cloud values in dataset. Cloud values represent scene content areas (non-blackfilled) that contain opaque clouds which prevent reliable interpretation of the land cover content. | int [0-100] |
ground_control | Positional accuracy of the item. If the item has uncertain positional accuracy, this value will be false. | boolean |
gsd | Ground sample distance - the distance between pixel centers as measured on the ground in meters. | double |
heavy_haze_percent | Percent of heavy haze values in dataset. Heavy haze values represent scene content areas (non-blackfilled) that contain thin low altitude clouds, higher altitude cirrus clouds, soot and dust which allow fair recognition of land cover features, but not having reliable interpretation of the radiometry or surface reflectance. | int [0-100] |
item_type | Name of the item type. | string |
light_haze_percent | Percent of light haze values in dataset. Light haze values represent scene content areas (non-blackfilled) that contain thin low altitude clouds, higher altitude cirrus clouds, soot and dust which allow reliable recognition of land cover features, and have up to +/-10% uncertainty on commonly used indices (EVI and NDWI). | int [0-100] |
pixel_resolution | Pixel resolution of the imagery in meters. | double |
provider | Name of the item provider (e.g. “planetscope”, ”rapideye”). | string |
published | Timestamp that the item was published to the Planet API. | datetime |
publishing_stage | Stage of publishing for an item. SkySatCollect items will be first published and remain in "finalized" stage. | string |
quality_category | Metric for image quality. To qualify for “standard” image quality an image must meet a variety of quality standards, for example: sun altitude greater than or equal to 10 degrees, off nadir view angle less than 20 degrees, and saturated pixels fewer than 20%. If the image does not meet these criteria it is considered “test” quality. | string |
satellite_azimuth | Angle from true north to the satellite vector at the time of imaging, averaged across the full SkySatCollect, projected on the horizontal plane in degrees (0 - 360). | double |
satellite_id | Globally unique satellite identifier. | string |
shadow_percent | Percent of shadow values in dataset. Shadow values represent scene content areas (non-blackfilled) that are not fully exposed to the solar illumination as a result of atmospheric transmission losses due to cloud, haze, soot and dust, and therefore do not allow for reliable interpretation of the radiometry or surface reflectance. | int [0-100] |
snow_ice_percent | Percent of snow and ice values in dataset. Snow_ice values represent scene content areas (non-blackfilled) that are hidden below snow and/or ice. | int [0-100] |
strip_id | The unique identifier of the image stripe that the item came from. | string |
sun_azimuth | The angle of the sun, as seen by the observer, measured clockwise from the north (0 - 360). | double |
sun_elevation | The angle of the sun above the horizon (0 - 90). | double |
updated | Timestamp that the item record was last updated. | datetime |
view_angle | The satellite's across-track, off-nadir viewing angle. Positive numbers denote east, negative numbers denote west (-25 - +25). | double |
visible_confidence_percent | Visible values represent the fraction of the scene content (excluding the portion of the image which contains blackfill) which is comprised of clear, light haze, shadow, snow/ice categories, and is given as a percentage ranging from zero to one hundred. | int [0-100] |
visible_percent | Average of confidence percent for clear_percent, light_haze_percent, shadow_percent and snow_ice_percent | int [0-100] |
Available Asset Types¶
Asset Name | Description |
basic_analytic | Top of atmosphere radiance (at sensor) and sensor corrected GeoTiff product. Scene based framing and not projected to a cartographic projection. |
basic_analytic_dn | Basic sensor corrected scene GeoTiff product. Scene based framing and not projected to a cartographic projection. |
basic_analytic_dn_rpc | Rational Polynomial Coefficients text file used to orthorectify basic_analytic_dn asset. |
basic_analytic_rpc | Rational Polynomial Coefficients text file used to orthorectify the basic_analytic asset. |
basic_analytic_udm | Usable Data Mask - Usable data bit mask in GeoTIFF format for basic analytic scene assets. |
basic_analytic_udm2 | Usable Data Mask 2.0. Read more about this new asset here. |
basic_l1a_panchromatic_dn | Basic, pre-super resolution, panchromatic GeoTiff product. |
basic_l1a_panchromatic_dn_rpc | Rational Polynomial Coefficients text file used to orthorectify the basic_l1a_panchromatic asset. |
basic_panchromatic | Unorthorectified Radiometrically-calibrated panchromatic image stored as 16-bit scaled radiance |
basic_panchromatic_dn | Basic sensor corrected panchromatic band GeoTiff. Scene based framing and not projected to a cartographic projection. |
basic_panchromatic_dn_rpc | Rational Polynomial Coefficients text file used to orthorectify basic_panchromatic_dn asset. |
basic_panchromatic_rpc | Rational polynomial coefficient for unorthorectified panchromatic image stored as 12-bit digital numbers |
basic_panchromatic_udm2 | Usable Data Mask 2.0. Read more about this new asset here. |
ortho_analytic | Radiometrically calibrated GeoTiff suitable for analytic applications |
ortho_analytic_sr | Orthorectified product, radiometrically calibrated and atmospherically corrected to surface reflectance |
ortho_analytic_dn | Non-radiometrically calibrated GeoTiff suitable for analytic applications. |
ortho_analytic_udm | Unusable Data Mask - Unusable data bit mask in GeoTIFF format for the analytic scene assets. |
ortho_analytic_udm2 | Usable Data Mask 2.0. Read more about this new asset here. |
ortho_panchromatic | Orthorectified Radiometrically-calibrated panchromatic image stored as 16-bit scaled radiance |
ortho_panchromatic_dn | Basic sensor corrected panchromatic band GeoTiff. Scene based framing and not projected to a cartographic projection. |
ortho_panchromatic_udm | Unusable Data Mask - Unusable data bit mask in GeoTIFF format for the pansharpened DN scene assets. |
ortho_panchromatic_udm2 | Usable Data Mask 2.0. Read more about this new asset here. |
ortho_pansharpened | Color corrected and pansharpened GeoTiff for visual applications. |
ortho_pansharpened_udm | Unusable Data Mask - Unusable data bit mask in GeoTIFF format for the pansharpened scene assets. |
ortho_pansharpened_udm2 | Usable Data Mask 2.0. Read more about this new asset here. |
ortho_visual | Color corrected GeoTiff for visual applications. |
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