Landsat 8

last updated: October 24, 2024

Deprecating Landsat 8

Planet is deprecating the Landsat-8 item types on Wednesday, May 22, 2024 with plans to formally end-of-life the item types on Wednesday, July 31, 2024. For more information and tips on migrating, see the Public Dataset Deprecation and Migration Plan.

Landsat 8 standard terrain-corrected scenes in path/row framing. This data set includes imagery from Landsat 8 satellite operated by USGS.

Products Overview

The Geometric Processing Subsystem (GPS) creates L1 geometrically corrected imagery (L1G) from L1R products. The geometrically corrected products can be systematic terrain corrected (L1Gt) or precision terrain-corrected products (L1T). The GPS generates a satellite model, prepares a resampling grid, and resamples the data to create an L1Gt or L1T product. The GPS performs sophisticated satellite geometric correction to create the image according to the map projection and orientation specified for the L1 standard product.

Landsat 8 data is packed into zip files by band. All data is passed through in the original provider’s format, so please visit USGS for more details.


Data available from the U.S. Geological Survey. See USGS Visual Identity System Guidance for further details.

Item Properties

Property Name Description Type
_permissions Assets available for the item which the authenticated user has permission to download. array
geometry Geographic boundary of the item's footprint, formatted as a GeoJSON polygon. json
id Globally unique item identifier. string
acquired Timestamp representing the date and time of acquisition (in UTC). datetime
anomalous_pixels Ratio of pixels that may have errors. Represented spatially in the UDM. double
cloud_cover Ratio of the pixels covered by clouds. double
collection Landsat collection number. integer
columns Number of columns in the image. integer
data_type The processing level of the product. string
epsg_code Ortho tile grid cell that the item is located in (not used if Scene). integer
gsd Ground sample distance - the distance between pixel centers as measured on the ground in meters. double
instrument Name of the satellite instrument used to collect the image. string
item_type Name of the item type. string
origin_x ULX coordinate of the extent of the data. The coordinate references the top left corner of the top left pixel. double
origin_y ULY coordinate of the extent of the data. The coordinate references the top left corner of the top left pixel. double
pixel_resolution Pixel resolution of the imagery in meters. double
processed Timestamp that the item was processed. datetime
product_id Unique identifier of the product. string
provider Name of the item provider (e.g. “planetscope”, ”rapideye”). string
published Timestamp that the item was published to the Planet API. datetime
quality_category Planet image quality metric: Standard or Test. To qualify for "standard" image quality an image must meet a variety of quality standards, for example: PAN motion blur less than 1.15 pixels, compression bits per pixel less than 3. If the image does not meet these criteria it is considered "test" quality. string
rows Number of rows in the image. integer
satellite_id Globally unique satellite identifier. string
sun_azimuth The angle of the sun, as seen by the observer, measured clockwise from the north (0 - 360). double
sun_elevation The angle of the sun above the horizon (0 - 90). double
updated Timestamp that the item record was last updated. datetime
usable_data Percentage of pixels that are usable, subtracting cloud cover and black fill. double
view_angle The satellite's across-track, off-nadir viewing angle. Positive numbers denote east, negative numbers denote west (-25 - +25). double
wrs_path Nearest WRS (Worldwide Reference System) path to the line-of-sight scene center. integer
wrs_row Nearest WRS (Worldwide Reference System) Row to the line-of-sight scene center. integer

Available Asset Types

Asset Name Description
analytic_b1 Band 1 (caoastal/aerosol) - Radiometrically calibrated GeoTiff product suitable for analytic applications.
analytic_b2 Band 2 (blue) - Radiometrically calibrated GeoTiff product suitable for analytic applications.
analytic_b3 Band 3 (greeb) - Radiometrically calibrated GeoTiff product suitable for analytic applications.
analytic_b4 Band 4 (red) - Radiometrically calibrated GeoTiff product suitable for analytic applications.
analytic_b5 Band 5 (near-infrared) - Radiometrically calibrated GeoTiff product suitable for analytic applications.
analytic_b6 Band 6 (swir-1) - Radiometrically calibrated GeoTiff product suitable for analytic applications.
analytic_b7 Band 7 (swir-2) - Radiometrically calibrated GeoTiff product suitable for analytic applications.
analytic_b8 Band 8 (pan) - Radiometrically calibrated GeoTiff product suitable for analytic applications.
analytic_b9 Band 9 (cirrus) - Radiometrically calibrated GeoTiff product suitable for analytic applications.
analytic_b10 Band 10 (tir-1) - Radiometrically calibrated GeoTiff product suitable for analytic applications.
analytic_b11 Band 11 (tir-2) - Radiometrically calibrated GeoTiff product suitable for analytic applications.
analytic_bqa QA band of analytic products.
metadata_txt Analytic asset MTL XML metadata file.
visual Color corrected GeoTiff product for visual applications.

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