The SkySat Video products include a video mpeg-4 file, with all captured frames used to produce the video as L1A panchromatic scenes.
Products Overview¶
Full motion videos are collected between 30 and 120 seconds by a single camera from any of the active SkySats. Videos are collected using only the Panchromatic half of the camera, hence all videos are PAN only. Videos are packaged and delivered with a video mpeg-4 file, plus all image frames with accompanying video metadata and a frame index file.
Video Product Metadata¶
Field | Value | Sample |
_permissions | Assets available for the item which the authenticated user has permission to download. | array |
geometry | Geographic boundary of the item's footprint, formatted as a GeoJSON polygon. | json |
id | Globally unique item identifier. | string |
acquired | Timestamp that the item was captured. | datetime |
camera_id | Camera used for imaging. | string |
item_type | Name of the item type. | string |
provider | Name of the item provider (e.g. “planetscope”, ”rapideye”). | string |
published | Timestamp that the item was published to the Planet API. | datetime |
publishing_stage | Stage of publishing for an item. SkySatVideo items will be first published and remain in "finalized" stage. | string |
quality_category | Metric for image quality. To qualify for “standard” image quality an image must meet a variety of quality standards, for example: sun altitude greater than or equal to 10 degrees, off nadir view angle less than 20 degrees, and saturated pixels fewer than 20%. If the image does not meet these criteria it is considered “test” quality. | string |
satellite_azimuth | Angle from true north to the satellite vector at the time of imaging, averaged across the full SkySatCollect, projected on the horizontal plane in degrees (0 - 360). | double |
satellite_id | Globally unique satellite identifier. | string |
strip_id | The unique identifier of the image stripe that the item came from. | string |
sun_azimuth | The angle of the sun, as seen by the observer, measured clockwise from the north (0 - 360). | double |
sun_elevation | The angle of the sun above the horizon (0 - 90). | double |
updated | Timestamp that the item record was last updated. | datetime |
view_angle | The satellite's across-track, off-nadir viewing angle. Positive numbers denote east, negative numbers denote west (-25 - +25). | double |
Available Asset Types¶
Asset Name | Description |
video_file | Video mp4 file of all overlapping basic l1a panchromatic frames |
video_frames | Compressed folder with all basic l1a panchromatic frames and accompanying RPCs that make up the video file |
video_metadata | json document describing the composite location of the video capture, as well as time, elevation angle, and azimuth angle at the start and end of the collection |
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