
last updated: August 29, 2024

RapidEye Orthorectified 5-Band Imagery as 25km x 25km UTM Tiles. This data set includes imagery from all RapidEye sensors.

Products Overview

All ortho tile products are provided in GeoTIFF format. The ortho tile product GeoTIFFs are resampled at 3.125 meters and projected in the UTM projection using the WGS84 datum. An alpha mask is provided as a binary color channel. The alpha mask can be used to remove or hide low-image-quality pixels near the periphery of a given scene. The alpha mask compensates for effects due to vignetting, low SNR, or hot or cold pixels.

The RapidEye Ortho Tile products offer RapidEye Satellite imagery orthorectified as individual 25 km by 25 km tiles. This product was designed for a wide variety of applications that require imagery with an accurate geolocation and cartographic projection. It has been processed to remove distortions caused by terrain and can be used for many cartographic purposes.

The RapidEye Ortho Tile products are radiometrically, sensor and geometrically corrected and aligned to a cartographic map projection. The geometric correction uses fine DEMs with a post spacing of between 30 and 90 meters. GCPs are used in the creation of every image and the accuracy of the product will vary from region to region based on available GCPs. RapidEye Ortho Tile products are output as 25 km by 25 km tiles referenced to a fixed, standard RapidEye image tile grid system.

Product band order:

  • Band 1 = Blue
  • Band 2 = Green
  • Band 3 = Red
  • Band 4 = Red edge (analytic products only)
  • Band 5 = Near-infrared (analytic products only)

Item Properties

Property Name Description Type
_permissions Assets available for the item which the authenticated user has permission to download. array
geometry Geographic boundary of the item's footprint, formatted as a GeoJSON polygon. json
id Globally unique item identifier. string
acquired Timestamp that the item was captured. datetime
anomalous_pixels Percentage of pixels that may have errors. Represented spatially in the UDM. double
black_fill The percentage of the item containing black fill. double
catalog_id Base RapidEye Level 3A catalog id. string
cloud_cover Average percentage of cloud coverage. double
columns Number of columns in the image. integer
epsg_code Ortho tile grid cell that the item is located in (not used if Scene). integer
grid_cell The grid cell identifier of the gridded item. string
ground_control Positional accuracy of the item. If the item has uncertain positional accuracy, this value will be false. boolean
gsd Ground sample distance - the distance between pixel centers as measured on the ground in meters. double
item_type Name of the item type. string
origin_x ULX coordinate of the extent of the data. The coordinate references the top left corner of the top left pixel. double
origin_y ULY coordinate of the extent of the data. The coordinate references the top left corner of the top left pixel. double
pixel_resolution Pixel resolution of the imagery in meters. double
provider Name of the item provider (e.g. “planetscope”, ”rapideye”). string
published Timestamp that the item was published to the Planet API. datetime
rows Number of rows in the image. integer
satellite_id Globally unique satellite identifier. string
strip_id The unique identifier of the image stripe that the item came from. stringsun_azimuth
sun_azimuth The angle of the sun, as seen by the observer, measured clockwise from the north (0 - 360). double
sun_elevation The angle of the sun above the horizon (0 - 90). double
updated Timestamp that the item record was last updated. datetime
usable_data Percentage of pixels that are usable, subtracting cloud cover and black fill. double
view_angle The satellite's across-track, off-nadir viewing angle. Positive numbers denote east, negative numbers denote west (-25 - +25). double

Available Asset Types

Asset Name Description
analytic Radiometrically calibrated GeoTiff product suitable for analytic applications.
analytic_sr Atmospherically corrected surface reflectance GeoTiff product.
analytic_xml Analytic asset XML metadata file.
udm Unusable Data Mask - Unusable data bit mask in GeoTIFF format for the visual and analytic scene assets.
visual Color-corrected GeoTiff product for visual applications.
visual_xml Visual asset XML metadata file.

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