Analysis-Ready PlanetScope

last updated: March 17, 2025

About Analysis-Ready PlanetScope

This product includes derived imagery from PlanetScope sensors.

Analysis-Ready PlanetScope combines data from the three available PlanetScope sensors (Dove Classic, Dove-R, and SuperDove) while enhancing temporal and spatial consistency with trusted, third-party data sources (Landsat, Sentinel-2, MODIS, VIIRS). This is accomplished with a proprietary algorithm that creates pre-processed, harmonized, and spatially consistent near-daily stacks of images that enable time-series analysis and machine learning applications. It delivers four surface reflectance bands: blue, green, red, and near-infrared.

The earliest Analysis-Ready PlanetScope imagery is available on January 01, 2017. The product is produced on-demand when a subscription is initiated.

Product Overview

Planet offers Analysis-Ready PlanetScope (ARPS) imagery as a 3 meter orthorectified (corrected for terrain distortions) surface reflectance product (ARP-SR). The data is stored in 16-bit integer format (with a multiplication factor of 10,000) as cloud optimized geotiffs compressed using LZW compression. During processing and harmonization, 4-band PS TOA Reflectance (PS-TOAR) (converted from the radiances) are transformed into surface reflectances ensuring radiometric consistency with FORCE-processed Sentinel-2 and Landsat. As a result the spectral bands and spectral response functions of ARPS data will be equivalent to the blue (B2), green (B3), red (B4), and narrow NIR (B8a) bands of Sentinel-2 (ESA 2024). The surface reflectance data represent Normalized BRDF Adjusted Reflectances (NBAR) as the Landsat 8/9 and Sentinel-2 data used for cross-calibration have been normalized to nadir view. Enhanced geometric performance includes temporal positional accuracy of <4m RMSE PCTL90.

The surface reflectance product is accompanied by a Quality Assurance product (ARP-QA) in GeoTIFF format. The QA product is a 2 layer thematic raster using the same spatial grid as the corresponding Analysis-Ready PlanetScope spectral data. Layer 1, Cloud and shadow mask, contains information denoting usable data using seven classifications that allow users to remove pixels that aren’t useful after they download the image. Layer 2, Pixel provenance has integers which can be mapped to PlanetScope scene IDs using the information in the QA raster's metadata header.

All products are delivered with a SpatioTemporal Asset Catalog (STAC) file that conforms to the STAC specifications. This STAC item contains information that summarizes the properties of the SR and QA products. This includes the version of ARPS that the products were generated with, the dates that the products were created, and support for several STAC extensions, including: Electro-Optical (specification of the spectral bands contained with the SR product and descriptions of the information bands contained within the QA product), Projection (coordinates representing the bounding geometry of the data’s footprint), and Raster (properties of the tile pixels). Analysis-Ready PlanetScope products are projected in the UTM zone intersected by their extent using the WGS-84 horizontal datum.


Check out the technical specification for more detailed information.

Analysis-Ready PlanetScope band order

The following lists band orders for each Analysis-Ready PlanetScope product.

4-Band ARP-SR asset band order

The 4-band multispectral band order is:

  • Band 1= Blue band (0.490 µm, bw: 0.065 µm) SR (NBAR)
  • Band 2 = Green band (0.560 µm, bw: 0.035 µm) SR (NBAR)
  • Band 3 = Red band (0.665 µm, bw: 0.030 µm) SR (NBAR)
  • Band 4 = NIR band (0.865 µm, bw: 0.021 µm) SR (NBAR)
Property Name Description
CREATED Timestamp at which the asset creation began timestamp
PIPELINE_VERSION Version descriptor for the software used to create the asset string
RUN_TYPE "backfill" or "forwardfill" string
PERCENTAGE_CLEAR From 0 to 100, the percentage of pixels in the tile with a cloud mask value of "1", or "clear" float
PERCENTAGE_STANDARD_QUALITY From 0 to 100, the percentage of source PlanetScope pixels which came from assets designated as "standard" quality float
SCENE_IDS[LAYER_2_VALUE] A whitespace-separated list of PlanetScope scene IDs mapped to integers in the scene provenance layer (QA band 2). For example: PSScene/20210728_152053_0f49[1] string
SCENE_SOLAR_AZIMUTH[LAYER_2_VALUE] A whitespace-separated list of PlanetScope scene solar azimuth values mapped to integers in the scene provenance layer (QA band 2). For example: 170.00[1] would map to PSScene/20210728_152053_0f49[1] in the SCENE_IDS[LAYER_2_VALUE] property string
SCENE_SOLAR_ELEVATION[LAYER_2_VALUE] A whitespace-separated list of PlanetScope scene solar elevation values mapped to integers in the scene provenance layer (QA band 2). For example: 23.00[1] would map to PSScene/20210728_152053_0f49[1] in the SCENE_IDS[LAYER_2_VALUE] property string

Available IDs

Analysis-Ready PlanetScope can be requested using the Subscriptions API. The following products can be requested with the associated ID. For more details on how to subscribe to Analysis-Ready PlanetScope, please visit the The Subscriptions API documentation.

ID Description
PS_ARD_SR_DAILY Near-daily radiometrically-calibrated analytic image stored as 16-bit scaled surface reflectance.

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