September 1, 2020

The SkySat cloud_cover field is now computed as the sum of cloud_percent and heavy_haze_percent so all cloud values are consistent. Note that cloud_cover is still in the range 0-1 (a ratio), while cloud_percent and heavy_haze_percent are percentages in the range 0 to 100. The properties of the archive have not been changed at this time, but may be changed in the future to also reflect this change.

June 17, 2020

Next-Generation Planetscope imagery will now be published as both standard and test quality. 3 and 4 band data will be available through the existing PSScene3Band, PSScene4Band, and PSOrthotile items. Additionally, 5-band (blue, green, red, rededge, nir) imagery is available under the analytic_5b asset, which is in the PSOrthotile item type. The way to identify data in this release is by the "" value in the "instrument" field.

See for details on Items/Assets.

An Image Quality Report on data contained in this release is available at

May 19, 2020

Planet is improving its algorithm for calculating Surface Reflectance in PlanetScope and RapidEye products. Planet is also now producing analytic_sr assets under the existing PSOrthoTile and REOrthoTile item types.

The new Surface Reflectance algorithm should help reduce scene-to-scene difference due to rapidly varying atmospheric conditions. Reference the updated white paper on the support page:

The new analytic_sr assets are available under the existing PSOrthoTile and REOrthoTile items listed in the Dev Center:

January 22 2020

UDM and UDM2 files for SkySatCollect items no longer have their nodata value set to 1

December 12 2019

Pansharpened and Visual SkySat data product generation has been updated. The scaling of the BGRN pansharpened products is reduced to the scaling of the multispectra (a 16x reduction in DN values)