September 20, 2021

Going forward, fast-publish asset provisioning (reference L1A in Planet's imagery spec) will be AOI based, in that only the scenes that overlap the customers’ AOIs will be available for view and download by the customer. The final ortho assets will continue to be provisioned for the full overlapping SkySatCollect segment.

Additionally, only the SkySatCollect segments that overlap the tasking customers’ AOIs will be available for view and download by the customer. Hence, if a SkySat capture is broken up into multiple SkySatCollect segments, only those that overlap the customer’s AOI will be provisioned to them.

April 07, 2021

Planet updated the way that it selects and composites SkySat "anchor frames" or Scenes. Hence now SkySatCollects which would have previously faulted or been truncated due to faulty anchor frame selection will now publish to their full extent, potentially allowing gaps in the imagery. Note, faulty imagery will publish to the archive, however will not qualify to fulfill revenue orders.

March 03, 2021

The resolution limit over Israel has been updated from 2m to 0.4m, hence full resolution SkySat products may now be produced over Israel. This applies to both new captures and archive imagery.

February 04, 2021

  • Surface Reflectance (SR) assets will now be published for all SkySat images (including archive), except where MODIS imagery did not overlap the SkySat AOI on the same day as capture. The SR assets will be available for both SkySatScene and SkySatCollect item-types, as the new asset-type ‘analytic_sr’. However note SR assets will not be available in Explorer or the Command Line Interface until the end of February.

  • A new SkySat asset, the ‘basic_l1a_all_frames’ (aka All-Frames) is now available under the SkySatCollect item-type. This asset is published for all SkySat imagery dating back to October 2017. The All-frames asset includes all of the originally captured frames in a Collect, up to 50 frames per second, uncalibrated and in a raw digital number format. Delivered as a zip file containing all frames as basic L1A panchromatic DN imagery files, with accompanying RPC txt files, and a JSON pinhole camera model.

September 29, 2020

Planet Explorer now displays both the 'gsd' and 'pixel_resolution' parameters for both SkySatScenes and SkySatCollects. The 'gsd' parameter represents the ground sample distance of the basic SkySat product, whereas the 'pixel_resolution' parameter represents the resampled resolution of the orthorectified assets.