The Planet Tasking API is a REST based API, which can be integrated into any service, regardless of the language used. Below are some examples of how to use filters to narrow the responses from the Tasking API /orders and /captures endpoints and how to pagniate when then response contains a large number of elements.
Filtering in the Tasking API is a part of the GET requests made to the /orders and /captures endpoints. The filtering options are mostly similar for each endpoint, so we will be concentrating on the /orders endpoint in these examples. A full list of all the filters available can be found in the Tasking API Reference.
Filters in the Tasking API are AND operations, which means that each filter
parameter is joined with the previous parameters to narrow down the returned
results. The following example request to the tasking/v2/orders
endpoint shows two
filters (status & name__icontains) as well as pagination and ordering rules for
the returned results:,-created_time
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