Tasking Dashboard Deeplinks

last updated: August 29, 2024


You can open the order creation window directly with the following url:


You can prepopulate order fields in the order creation form by providing additional query parameters after the order entry url. For example:

https://www.planet.com/tasking/orders/new/?name=order-name&geometry=POINT(13.2275 52.5897)

To access Deeplink, be sure to always start from the order entry /orders/new and then append the query parameters.

https://www.planet.com/tasking/orders/new/?name=TestOrder&plNumber=PL-Example&product=One Time Tasking&geometry=POINT(13.2275 52.5897)

Supported Parameters

Use the following parameters in the Deeplink URL.


All fields are optional. However, product specific fields require a valid plNumber.

Fields without dependencies.

Field Value
name Maximum 80 characters
geometry Geometry in WKT format
plNumber Valid plNumber

Fields that depend on a plNumber

Field Value
product Product name which belongs to given plNumber
startTime Date in YYYYMMDD or YYYY-MM-DD format i.e., 2020-06-30
endTime Date in YYYYMMDD or YYYY-MM-DD format and must be later than startTime
orderType Specific order type that is allowed for chosen product
nStereoPov Number of stereo collects for orderType STEREO only
satElevationAngleMax Satellite elevation angle max value
satElevationAngleMin Satellite elevation angle min value

For example:

https://www.planet.com/tasking/orders/new/?name=SFO order&plNumber=PL-Impact&product=One Time Tasking&orderType=IMAGE&geometry=POINT(-122.38627 37.616862)

Order Entry

Example with all supported parameters:

https://www.planet.com/tasking/orders/new/?name=mock_order&plNumber=PL-TEST&product=Basemap&orderType=IMAGE&geometry=POINT (-98.934519 19.724712&satElevationAngleMax=90&satElevationAngleMin=60

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