How To Compare Basemaps

last updated: August 29, 2024

You can compare basemaps side-by-side and visually inspect change between two different time periods.

Choose Basemaps for Comparison

To start comparing basemaps side-by-side, click Compare on the lower right hand corner of the map. This displays a split screen. You can now select one basemap to inspect on the left side of the screen and another basemap to inspect on the right side of the screen.

The left navigation lists your available basemaps. To compare basemaps, select a basemap from the list and drag it into the split screen.

The basemap date is listed at the bottom of each panel in the split screen.


You can only compare basemaps for the same area.

Inspect and Zoom

After you select the two basemaps to compare, zoom and pan around the basemap. Both panels of the split screen mirrors your movements.

You can zoom using your mouse or trackpad or click the plus (+) and minus (-) buttons on the map.

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