Hello, World!
By: Sara Safavi on April 11 2022
Introducing Planet's new Developer Blog
Who are we?¶
We're Developer Relations at Planet: a team of curious geo-people, passionate space nerds, Pythonistas, educators and more (most of us wear multiple hats at once, too). We believe in using space to help life on earth, and the way we do that best is by empowering a global community of technical users (that's you!) to do amazing things with Planet's platform and data.
Who are you?¶
You'll notice that I said technical users above. We know that for many of you, the word "developer" doesn't necessarily capture all that you do. Many of you are Data Scientists or Analysts first. Others might be most comfortable labeling themselves as Remote Sensing or GIS professionals. And some of you may be developers exploring the potential of satellite imagery for the first time. We know, because the same can be said for our team and Planet as a whole. Planeteers come from a variety of backgrounds, each with a unique collection of skills and talents, as do you. The common thread here—and what we mean when we say "developer"—is using Planet's platform and data as a means to a greater end.
So whether you use Planet APIs, a Command Line Interface, GIS Integration or all of the above: you belong here.

Coming Soon¶
We've got an exciting collection of new content and resources heading your way over the next few months, including:
- An all-new Python SDK & CLI! A developer-first toolkit ready to integrate into your platform & workflows.
- NEW geo-friendly processes & examples!
- More Cloud-Native Geospatial tools! Native STAC support in Planet APIs, COG streaming, GIS integration support, and more.
Get in touch!¶
To get updates from the Planet Dev Rel team in the future, follow our blog feed.
To reach out to the team directly, send us an email via developers@planet.com.