Remote Sensing Indices

last updated: March 17, 2025

Dynamically rendering false-color indices

Planet's Surface Reflectance Basemap products are also available in false-color visualizations to support a wider range of analysis. Currently the following seven band combinations and indices available via Tile Service:

  • Red-Green-Blue (RGB)
  • Color-infrared (CIR)
  • Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI)
  • Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI)
  • Visual Atmosphere Resistance Index (VARI)
  • Modified Soil-adjusted Vegetation Index (MSAVI2)
  • Modified Triangular Vegetation Index (MTVI2)
  • Triangular Greenness Index (TGI)


False-color indices and band math visualizations are available only on Surface Reflectance basemaps.

Remote Sensing Indices & Legends

Index Formula Legend URL Parameters
NDVI \(\frac{ir - r}{ir + r}\) ?proc=ndvi
NDWI \(\frac{g - ir}{g + ir}\) ?proc=ndwi
MSAVI2 \(\frac{2 * ir + 1 - \sqrt{(2 * ir + 1)^2 - 8(ir - r)}}{2}\) ?proc=msavi2
MTVI2 \(\frac{1.5 * ( 1.2 * (ir - g) - 2.5 * (r - g)}{\sqrt{(2 * ir + 1) ^ 2 - (6 * ir -5 * \sqrt{r})} - .5}\) ?proc=mtvi2
VARI \(\frac{g - r}{g + r - b}\) ?proc=vari
TGI \(\frac{(120 * (r - b)) - (190 * (r - g))}{2}\) ?proc=tgi

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