Using Planet Tile Services in ArcGIS Online

last updated: August 29, 2024

Planet basemaps are added to ArcGIS Online (AGOL) by using either of the following Planet tile service protocols:

  • WMTS
  • XYZ

Complete details about each of these tile services is available in, Tile Services Overview.


For all Planet tile services, you must be authenticated for the specific requested resource. If you do not have the correct permissions, the tile request results in a 404 error. Authentication is achieved by providing a valid api_key as a query parameter in all tile requests.

WMTS Tile Service

Web Map Tile Service (WMTS) URL Structure:{api-key}

To add a WMTS layer to ArcGIS Online:

  1. Click Add, then select Add Layer from Web.
  2. From the dropdown, select WMTS OGC Web Service.
  3. Input the base WMTS URL without including the api_key parameter:

  4. In the newly required separate section for custom parameters, add your api_key as follows:

  5. Parameter Name: api_key
  6. Parameter Value: [Your API Key]

  7. Click on Get Layers to load the available basemaps.

  8. Select the desired basemap from the dropdown and click Add Layer.

XYZ Tile Service

The XYZ Tile Service URL structure for mosaics and scenes:


When accessing a mosaic by using the XYZ tile service, the URL includes the mosaic name. For example:{level}/{col}/{row}.png?api_key={api-key}

XYZ Service URL structure for individual Scenes:


In this case, the URL includes both the item type and the item ID of the desired scenes. To view multiple scenes, include a comma separated list of item IDs in the URL. For example:,20200516_171112_30_2271,20200516_171110_11_2271/{level}/{col}/{row}.png?api_key={api-key}

To add an XYZ layer to ArcGIS Online:

  1. Click Add, then select Add Layer from Web.
  2. From the dropdown, select Tile Layer.
  3. Insert URL following the structure given above, then click Add Layer.

Overzoom in ArcGIS

To zoom past the limit set by ArcGIS Online maps, add a zmax=<numeric value> parameter in the tile services URL. The zmax value provides the ability to zoom past the native resolution of Basemaps. For example:

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