Surface Reflectance Basemaps

last updated: March 17, 2025

Planet Basemaps are generated by querying PlanetScope scenes that overlap a specific area of interest within a designated time frame. These scenes are then ranked based on quality metrics metadata, such as the presence of clouds and haze, with the highest quality scenes placed at the top. Using a "best-on-top" algorithm, the highest quality scenes are efficiently composited to create the final basemap.

PlanetScope Surface Reflectance Basemaps (Zoom Level 15 – 4.77 meter cell size at the equator) are created using the PlanetScope Surface Reflectance imagery asset type (analytic_sr). These basemaps are optimized to reduce the variability due to atmospheric effects, enabling users to perform spectral, quantitative, and time series analyses. Surface Reflectance Basemaps include both Analytic Surface Reflectance (Analytic SR) and Normalized Surface Reflectance (Normalized SR).

For more details please check the Basemaps Webpage and the Basemap Product Technical Specification document.

Surface Reflectance Basemaps Product Details

Source Imagery Download Bands Streaming Bands Monitoring Frequency Zoom Level Normalization
PlanetScope Surface Reflectance
15 Sentinel-2
none (non-normalized)

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