
last updated: October 07, 2024


Planet Quota API offers Planet customers the ability to create, estimate, and view existing quota reservations on the Planet platform (currently for users of Planetary Variables only).

Using feature references created in Features API you can reserve quota, estimate quota usage, or view how much quota your currently reserved features have consumed.

Key Concepts

  • AOI Ref: A feature reference created within Features API as a result of uploading an Areas of Interest (AOI)

  • Product: A data product you are authorized to access along with a record of your reserved quota and remaining quota

  • Quota Reservation: The outcome of POSTing one or more AOI references and valid product ID to Quota API

  • Quota Total: The amount of quota you are able to reserve

  • Quota Used: The amount of quota which has already been reserved

Learning Resources

For information on working with Planet APIs, see Get Started with Planet APIs.