import os import requests from multiprocessing.dummy import Pool as ThreadPool # setup auth session = requests.Session() session.auth = (os.environ['PLANET_API_KEY'], '') def activate_item(item_id): print "activating: " + item_id # request an item item = session.get( ("" + "{}/items/{}/assets/").format("PSScene", item_id)) # request activation item.json()["visual"]["_links"]["activate"]) # An easy way to parallise I/O bound operations in Python # is to use a ThreadPool. parallelism = 5 thread_pool = ThreadPool(parallelism) # Open up a file of ids that we have already retrieved from a search with open('examples/1000_PSScene_ids.txt') as f: item_ids =[:100] # only grab 100 # In this example, all items will be sent to the `activate_item` function # but only 5 will be running at once, item_ids)