import os import requests session = requests.Session() session.auth = (os.environ['PLANET_API_KEY'], '') # this large search filter produces all PlanetScope imagery for 1 day very_large_search = { "name": "very_large_search", "item_types": ["PSScene"], "filter": { "type": "DateRangeFilter", "field_name": "acquired", "config": { "gte": "2016-07-01T00:00:00.000Z", "lte": "2016-07-02T00:00:00.000Z" } } } # Create a Saved Search saved_search = \ '', json=very_large_search) # after you create a search, save the id. This is what is needed # to execute the search. saved_search_id = saved_search.json()["id"] # What we want to do with each page of search results # in this case, just print out each id def handle_page(page): for item in page["features"]: print item["id"] # How to Paginate: # 1) Request a page of search results # 2) do something with the page of results # 3) if there is more data, recurse and call this method on the next page. def fetch_page(search_url): page = session.get(search_url).json() handle_page(page) next_url = page["_links"].get("_next") if next_url: fetch_page(next_url) first_page = \ ("{}" + "/results?_page_size={}").format(saved_search_id, 250) # kick off the pagination fetch_page(first_page)