Viewing Search Results & Ordering Imagery

last updated: March 18, 2024

Viewing Search Results

If all goes well, you should see a list of imagery results, ordered by date.

To the far right of each set of imagery, there is a gear icon. When this icon is clicked, you are presented with some options. Depending on the level of the imagery you are on, you can Zoom to Footprint, Add Preview Layer to Map, or Copy ID to Clipboard:

From here, you can zoom to an image's footprint directly in your map window, or choose to add a preview of the image to your map as a new layer. Using the image previews, you can decide with image search results best fit your needs. Once you've decided which images you want to download, the next step is to place an Order.

Ordering Imagery

If you click on the checkbox next to any of the resulting imagery sets, the Order button on the lower left becomes active and references the number of images in the batch group that was chosen.

Clicking the Order button opens a dialogue window for ordering imagery to be downloaded. In this window, you can choose whether to Bundle the images together using specific criteria, and whether to Clip items to AOI. You also must give a name to your order. Once you have named your order and made any optional selections, you'll see the Place Order button in the bottom right becomes clickable. Watch the video below to see this process in action:

Once you have clicked Place Order, you'll see an Order request log window pane appear in the bottom half of the window, with details about your order and a link to the Orders monitorlog where you can check to see if your imagery is ready to download.


Another way to get to the Orders monitorlog is via the account button in the bottom right of the Planet plugin pane:


The Orders Monitor Log shows all the orders you have open that are ready to download, or are being prepped (or have failed for some reason). You can filter the list to show only orders that are available to download. You can also manually refresh the list to see if an order has become ready. You can see in the image below an example of each type of status: running, success and failed.


Once you click download, the plugin passes information to the QGIS task manager to automatically download and add the image to your current map view. Once downloaded, you can interact with the imagery as a local file (i.e. you can geoprocess it, add it to current workflows, etc.).

Watch the video below to see a demonstration of downloading an order and adding the results to a QGIS workspace:

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